Sorsware is a software company founded in 2004 and operating under the sOrs Group of Companies. Since its establishment, it has produced and developed reliable software that is used by corporate companies such as banks and telecommunication companies, which significantly alleviates the workload, reduces the margin of error and saves time.
Sorsware Software, which provides services to small and medium-sized companies as well as corporate customers, has shown a significant growth with the branch it opened in Bursa in 2007. Our goal is; Our aim is to produce software that is easy to use, has a flexible structure, meets the sectoral needs, makes use of the latest innovations of technology and to raise the satisfaction of our customers to the highest level.
You actually know us...
There is a corner grocery store that is open when you need it most, or sometime in the night… We are that corner store.
Can you think of an employee who works overtime for hours and still smiles? We are that employee.
You know, there is the beach where you close your eyes and listen to the sound of the sea, or where you enjoy your holiday…We are that beach.
Do you remember the feeling of happiness you got when you were sure you made the right decision? We are that emotion.
As we said, you actually know us… We were always with you. For as long as we know ourselves, it's been 21 years.